

The purpose of the 分类参议院 is to provide a vehicle by which the classified staff is able to fully participate in the process for achieving the goals and mission of the college and promoting a successful learning environment for students. It shall be the function of the 分类参议院 to participate in the governance of Butte Glenn Community College on a consultative level; to actively collect, evaluate and disseminate information for the classified staff; and to represent those interests in non-bargaining agent (CSEA) issues before and on governance or college committees. 机密参议院还应通过所有机密工作人员的参与促进专业和个人发展. 该机构代表分类工作人员处理专业事项和参与一般治理进程.  参议院机密主席与局长/总统进行沟通.  参议院主席和一名机密执行委员会成员在学院理事会和计划与预算委员会任职.


The Butte College 分类参议院 represents all professional staff members of the Butte-Glenn Community College District in matters relating to participatory governance, 并代表机密工作人员在传播信息和收集意见方面发挥主要作用. 

参议院与加州社区学院分类参议院(4CS)一起工作,以促进和明确这些角色, 权利, responsibilities and opportunities for Community College Classified Staff to become involved in participatory governance and to contribute toward the Mission of the California Community Colleges as originally described in AB 1725.

参议院不处理任何与“集体谈判”或雇佣委员会有关的事务. 为了更好地解释地区与CSEA员工工会和机密参议院之间关系的差异, 请参阅CSEA同意的职责界定, 该地区, 以及保密参议院.



The 分类参议院 utilized funds from our general operating budget as we were not awarded any additional augmentation last year to purchase a Laptop Computer as requested in our unit plan for 16/17. 额外的旅费和会议费用由学生权益基金提供,这使我们能够使用我们的地区预算来进行这次购买.

数额: 1457.18
用于预定目的: 是的

The laptop computer is essential for our Secretary to take minutes at our bi-weekly Senate meeting and set the agenda at our bi-weekly executive board meetings.  参议院的其他成员也可以使用它来存储和共享信息. 总裁或其他官员也可以在参加全州范围的董事会会议和会议时使用笔记本电脑. The benefit is that we now have a computer that can be shared among various users while belonging permanently to the Senate for maintaining archives and records as we have frequent change-over so that we do not lose information as personnel change.


Dues and Membership annual fee to belong to the 4CS (California Community Colleges 分类参议院) was also paid for out of our operating budget. 

数额: 100.00
用于预定目的: 是的



我们要求6美元,706 for Travel and Conference funds for our two 4CS representatives and delegates to attend the annual board meetings and special trainings throughout the year.  我们没有得到这笔钱, 但是我们用的是1美元,从我们地区的预算中拿出200美元用于旅行和会议.  The remaining cost was covered through assistance throught the 4CS Non-profit organization and our 学生权益 department as part of the training was included in the Classified Leadership Institute.

数额: 1200.00
用于预定目的: 是的












The main goal of the 分类参议院 which requires financial support from the district is to fund Classified Professionals to attend the Classified Leadership Institute, a professional development conference sponsored by the 4CS (Calfiornia Community Colleges 分类参议院) which provides information about changes from the Chancellor's Office, 领导技能培养, 股票培训, 关于服务学生和代表学校的最佳实践的研讨会, 以及其他各种有价值的信息. 我们目前的分配已经滚动了很多年,没有考虑到通货膨胀的变化, 根本不能支持我们实现目标.  我们想资助一个由8-15人组成的团队,他们来自皇冠新现金网. 我还想指出,许多加州社区学院的分类参议院的运营预算为30美元,000 - $50,000.  我们是一个独特的实体,不适合与其他部门提交单位计划的结构相同.  我们要求您在审查我们的增强请求时考虑到这一点.  我们真的没有其他的资金来源.  Professional Development Funds are tied up in the Innovations grant which also excludes us from being eligible because it focuses on instruction and student outcomes.  学生权益 funding did support us last year to attend the 2016 CLI however their funds are now locked in and the way that the roll-over budget is structured means they are not trying to spend funds quickly as they were in the past. So this is the only avenue that we have to request a review of our current budget and ask for the funds needed for us to support the Classified staff at our college.



The 分类参议院 will help the college to achieve its initiatives by promoting 领导 and participation in governance by Classified Professionals, 同时鼓励专业发展机会,让我们能更好地为学生服务.

  • 建模的可持续性
  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强包容性文化


分类专业人员从设施到学院的各个方面工作, 业务服务, 学生服务, 部门的支持, 教学支持, 人力资源, 辅助服务, 等.  我们经常是每天与学生互动的一线人员.  我们为学生和学院提供支持,以实现我们所有的战略方向目标. 提供额外的培训和职业发展机会,提高员工士气, 能力, 反过来帮助我们更好地服务我们的学生和支持我们的部门.


策略2 -代表共治

机密参议院的成员在许多校园委员会任职,以支持参与式治理. 在4CS加州社区学院分类参议院中,我们也有全州范围内的皇冠新现金网代表.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 加强包容性文化





机密参议院目前的收入来源是由选区提供的.  其他唯一可用的外部资源是我们自己的募款努力,用于那些需要地区不提供资金的计划.  所筹集的资金将存入参议院机密基金帐户,并与地区基金分开.

Last year we were granted funds from the 学生权益 Department to send 13 members to the annual Classified Leadership Institute largely because the keynote speaker was presenting on the topic of 学生权益 and funds were available at that time. We understand that the department cannot continue to support our attendance at the conference as funds are now tied up with other professional development activities and was considered a one-time award.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 分类参议院 营业费用 55300 $0.00 $100.00
4CS年会费 皇冠新现金网分类参议院拥有4CS(加州社区学院分类参议院)的“参议院级”成员资格。. 每年的会员费是100美元. 这一数额已从我们去年的拨款中削减,我们在此要求将其恢复为一项不断增加的拨款.
2 分类参议院 营业费用 55200 $15,000.00 $0.00
参加CLI年会 每年,来自全国各地的分类专业人士都会参加CLI(分类领导学院)会议. 目前的旅费拨款总额为每年$3 500. 3,500 barely covers the cost of our 4CS Regional Representative and 分类参议院 President to attend the quarterly board meetings and special trainings as required. The Classified Leadership Institute is our biggest opportunity for professional growth and development; to stay informed about policy changes, 最佳实践, 以及州一级的倡议. It is also an opportunity to network with Classified Professionals from other community colleges and to bring information back to our campus to share with others. 这个活动对参加的人有巨大的影响,他们经常会受到鼓舞和激励. 费用大约是1美元,每人600美元,包括注册费用, 运输, 酒店住宿. 如果允许这种增加,我们可以派出8人. 如果资金有限, 请考虑给我们任何可用的金额,以便我们可以派一些人到CLI. 来自4CS CLI网页的程序描述: “年度分类领导研究所(CLI)侧重于有效分类参与参与式(共享)治理过程, 无论是在全州范围内,还是在当地地区和大学层面. 参加CLI会议的参与者将探索许多鼓励个人发展的活动, 领导, 良好的沟通能力, 增加信心, 提高专业技能, 以及对加州社区学院的广泛了解. Activities include both interactive and informational sessions with ample time for networking and workshops where newly acquired skills can be utilized in a supportive environment. CLI旨在满足当今加州社区学院分类人员的教育需求.”
  • 学生权益
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 落实2018-2019年战略方向重点
  • 继续实施学习成果(课程、项目、通识教育、 行政及学生服务),包括按学生分类的资料 特征
  • 利用数据、研究和协作努力开发并保持适当 项目和途径为基础的课程设置,地点和方式
  • 赋予多元化委员会权力并使之制度化 就业机会咨询委员会和学生公平委员会.
  • 实行战略性现金娱乐网注册管理,将财务规划与学生需求和成绩相结合
  • 实施学位审核和教育规划模块
3 分类参议院 营业费用 55200 $2,270.00 $0.00
陪同4CS代表参加年度特别活动/会议/培训 The California Community Colleges 分类参议院 (4CS) currently has representatives from Butte College on the state-wide board serving a two-year term. 我们在一次性增加请求中寻求的金额是用于旅行, 登记, 餐, and Lodging for the North Quarterly Board Meeting held in September at $500; Travel and registration to the CCLC (California College League of California) Annual Convention in November , 价格是1美元,200 per person; $570 for the Quarterly Board Meeting for 分类参议院s in March.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)